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3 SPB (Simple Practical Balanced) Tips to Help During COVID-19

Things you can start to do right now!

1) Do not Skip meals. Even if you are working from home eat your meals and snacks at your regular times. Take your daily multi-vitamins.

2) Stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to a whole list of problems ranging from mixed hunger ques (you think you are hungry when you are actually thirsty), to acne to constipation. Aim for 1/2 your body wt in ounces. For example I weigh 125 pounds, so I want to aim for 125/2=62.5 ounces daily of water (62.5oz/8oz= about 8 cups of water per day. 

3) Move! Gyms are closed but there are many free workouts you can do from home. See below for my list of at home FREE favorite workouts (coming soon!)